For a complete portfolio of my audio work, please visit Yellow Armadillo Studios’ website.
Lessons Of Hope From Afghan Schoolchildren, Six Years Later
In the spring of 2015, NPR sent a team to embed with Afghan forces to witness the start of a new era. Afterwards, the team documented a school in Kabul. Producer Rebecca Hersher reflects on the project six years later, as US troops pulled out of Afghanistan.
Book Showcases The Humanity At The Heart Of David Gilkey's Photojournalism
Photojournalist David Gilkey was 50 years old when he was killed in an Afghanistan combat zone in 2016.
What he left behind was a body of work that told human stories in moments of desperation and a high standard for the visual work that would come out of NPR, a radio-first outlet. A new book, Pictures on the Radio, collects just a portion of that work across his career.
A Photographer Saw An Arkansas Town Fading. His New Book Keeps Its Stories Alive
Though the town may look to Eugene Richards like it's fading, its history is very much alive. In preserving them in the day i was born, Richards ensures that these stories — of racism and segregation, of voter suppression, of homophobia, of poverty, of gun violence and police brutality — won't also disappear.